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Welcome. NJDelay.com is a historical delay tracker for NJ Transit rail, light rail, and bus routes. Updated every 5 15 minutes (rate reduced due to Twitter's new draconian 15 request rate limit), these graphs provide a quick and easy summary of how long each NJ Transit line is delayed, as well as its history. Click on a graph to view weekly, monthly, or yearly graphs. Delays shown are maximum delays across the entire line; therefore, you may not necessarily encounter them depending on your origin and destination.

Suspension of service is assumed to be one day (1,440 minutes) long until a notice restoring service is received.

This data is current as of Friday, 26-Jan-2018 23:00:10 EST.

Rail Lines

Light Rail


The raw data used to generate these reports is the property of NJ Transit and was parsed from their Twitter feeds.